Our sense of self has been developed through family, work and experiences. Quite often however, there are defining moments in our lives that give us a wake- up call and then, a realisation hits us one day: it’s like the tip of an iceberg! What shows up? Past experiences, people in our lives, behaviours and it feels very fearful to get past it all. One answer is to take yourself on a fear experience to break down your barriers! Enrol yourself in the SAS Australia TV show, or go to a fire walk experience event (like I did). If you want to keep it simple however, give yourself some time out for discovery.

The first step to start you on a journey to discover yourself and who you are meant to become is to look at your life purpose. So, take out a few sheets of loose paper, or a journal and a pen and find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. Turn off your mobile phone, your computer. Write the answers to each question below without editing:

  • What makes you smile? (Activities, people, vents, hobbies, projects etc.)
  • What were your favourite things to do in the past? What about now?
  • What activities make you lose track of time?
  • What makes you feel great about yourself?
  • Write down all of your major goals in your life that you feel you want to achieve
  • Who inspires you most? (Anyone you know or do not know. Family, friends, authors, artists, leaders, etc.). Which qualities inspire you, in each person?
  • What are you naturally good at? (Skills, abilities, gifts etc.)
  • What do people typically ask you for help in?
  • If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

Keep your answers in a notebook that’s both easy to access and update wherever you happen to be: it will be a source of sustaining you and by which you can continue to measure your growth through life with a new identity.

And, if you’d like support to discover your identity, email me at geoffedwards@bigpond.com

Geoff Edwards is an internationally accredited Life Coach with over 25 years of coaching experience who can support you on your journey to success with results that last. He can be contacted via geoffedwards@bigpond.com or through his website www.geoffedwards.net

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5 Tips for Business Success

Business success is built on learning from failure: Thomas Edison found 10000 ways that didn’t work and from this he learnt to never give up! Either starting a new business or re-inventing your existing business is an exciting opportunity to progress what you are passionate about. To start a business, a plan is essential and I can provide a 1 page Business Plan template if you contact me at geoffedwards@bigpond.com. To further develop your existing business here are 5 tips:

  • Be small, yet think big – make sure your business takes maximum advantage of areas that represent the strength of small business i.e. ability to respond quickly, personalized service
  • Differentiate your products – present the benefits of your products and services to your customers and package them distinctly
  • Listen to your customers – when you focus on your customers and gain their trust, they will recommend you
  • Plan for success – a good plan helps you increase your chances of succeeding, and can help you define your business concepts, estimate costs, predict sales and control risks
  • Work Smart – as an entrepreneur, you need to be far-sighted and accept things as they are and deal with them accordingly

“Success starts with a Vision”

I can support with Business planning and business support that includes business start-ups, ISO quality accreditation, project management, change management and with business proposals. Email geoffedwards@bigpond.com for a quote. Geoff Edwards is an internationally accredited Life Coach with over 25 years of coaching experience who can support you on your journey to success with results that last. He can be contacted via geoffedwards@bigpond.com or through his website www.geoffedwards.net

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Where there is Hope there is Light!

What do you see when you look at this picture, the dark clouds or, the bright light in the distance? Our focus creates our reality and while there may be challenges and uncertainties in life, there is always a way to focus beyond this and create the life you deserve, whether a career change, a new business, a new music album or, a better you!

Have you ever had that feeling of just “knowing” that something will take place and it did? Then at other times, it seems like a grind and you are really working hard at everything you do and so many things get in the way. Even though we live in a dynamic world, we all require some level of certainty.

“The only thing standing between you and certainty is the story you keep telling yourself” Anonymous

Each day we are presented with new situations and circumstances such as traffic jams, changes in the workplace and the effects of the economy: this is reality! You can start and change your world into a better place by accepting that even though there is uncertainty, through this you can also create growth. If you change in small ways daily in how you live your life, this will create certainty in your world as it is building towards your ultimate vision. Also, being guided by what we see, hear and feel currently will create certainty. Using brilliant questions brings about new and empowering decisions which will instantly change your life’s path, such as “What advice would you give a friend in this situation?”

By deciding to step up and meet any challenge, you will be amazed – with adversity, growth comes and you will be rewarded. It is important for you to have a strategy that will provide a support mechanism during these times of challenge and uncertainty. Focus on building your self-nurturing skills, even when you are troubled. Make time for activities that you enjoy. By taking care of your own needs, you can boost your overall health and resilience and be fully ready to face life’s challenges. Here are some tips to create certainty in your life:

  • Build intuitive skills
  • Be in the present moment
  • Ask yourself powerful questions
  • Develop your resilience
  • Be clear on your future vision
  • Know what creates certainty for you

And, if you’d like support to create certainty in your life, email me at geoffedwards@bigpond.com

Geoff Edwards is an internationally accredited Life Coach with over 25 years of coaching experience who can support you on your journey to success with results that last. He can be contacted via geoffedwards@bigpond.com or through his website www.geoffedwards.net

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