The Next Frontier

What do you think the next frontier will be? Will it be Earth+, where people have aggregated efforts to create real change, or, we have had to escape to some distant planet in the hope of a better life?

Each and every day we have reminders on the amazing planet we have and how we need to look after things. These reminders become even more apparent with a continuing consumption based economy which increases pollution and a fast technology train which gets us caught up: there is no time to stop, appreciate and consider what we can do differently!

A movement is needed to create change by aligning like-minded people to save the planet. This requires behavioural change and new leadership beyond political timeframes. You can make a difference: consider where you can create an impact for the future!

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Geoff Edwards is an Innovator, Life Coach, Mentor, Business Advisor, Artist and Writer with over 30 years of experience who can support you on your journey to success. He can be contacted via or through his website

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