GR8 Communications

RUOK? A nice way to check, however will your text reply really cover how you feel? Communications has changed. A quick TEXT, DM, FB MSG etc., has, in many cases replaced a phone call or face to face catch up. Studies have found that 72% of teenagers text regularly, and one in three sends more than 100 texts a day. There are benefits of course with a quick TXT, knowing quickly how someone is, where they are or, are they coming to dinner. However, there are disadvantages as you miss facial cues and operate relationships on the social media platform level. The number of “likes” gives the adrenalin rush that is hard to let go of: habits become ingrained! This makes it even more difficult to resort to the “ye old style.”

The pace of life and pandemics have altered how we communicate in different settings. For business, with WFH, there have been benefits, for example, we have become more focussed, eliminating unwanted meetings and being very specific on time and outcomes. The disadvantages have been however that businesses go through cycles with this, they open branches, close branches, go offshore etc. little do they realise that they burn customer relationships.

For personal situations, there have been a lot of changes also, although not so positive! Our separation from others during the pandemic has meant our communication habits have changed very significantly! In some cases we can have difficulties with small talk, when we meet someone again in the car park, or in social situations. We haven’t had the chance to practice the habits of managing real relationships, versus social media platform relationships. The adrenalin highs from the number of likes are hard to let go of!

Adding to these changes, our consumption based approach in society leads us down the path of more and more, and, simple things get lost on the way. This includes important things like values, respect for others, common courtesy and appreciation.

It is important to look ahead and decide where we can impact the world through improved communications, effective relationships and maybe, having more of those old fashioned values!

If you need a better way with communication, contact me via email

Geoff Edwards is an Innovator, Life Coach, Mentor, Business Advisor, Artist and Writer with over 30 years of experience who can support you on your journey to success. He can be contacted via or through his website

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