GR8 Communications

RUOK? A nice way to check, however will your text reply really cover how you feel? Communications has changed. A quick TEXT, DM, FB MSG etc., has, in many cases replaced a phone call or face to face catch up. Studies have found that 72% of teenagers text regularly, and one in three sends more than 100 texts a day. There are benefits of course with a quick TXT, knowing quickly how someone is, where they are or, are they coming to dinner. However, there are disadvantages as you miss facial cues and operate relationships on the social media platform level. The number of “likes” gives the adrenalin rush that is hard to let go of: habits become ingrained! This makes it even more difficult to resort to the “ye old style.”

The pace of life and pandemics have altered how we communicate in different settings. For business, with WFH, there have been benefits, for example, we have become more focussed, eliminating unwanted meetings and being very specific on time and outcomes. The disadvantages have been however that businesses go through cycles with this, they open branches, close branches, go offshore etc. little do they realise that they burn customer relationships.

For personal situations, there have been a lot of changes also, although not so positive! Our separation from others during the pandemic has meant our communication habits have changed very significantly! In some cases we can have difficulties with small talk, when we meet someone again in the car park, or in social situations. We haven’t had the chance to practice the habits of managing real relationships, versus social media platform relationships. The adrenalin highs from the number of likes are hard to let go of!

Adding to these changes, our consumption based approach in society leads us down the path of more and more, and, simple things get lost on the way. This includes important things like values, respect for others, common courtesy and appreciation.

It is important to look ahead and decide where we can impact the world through improved communications, effective relationships and maybe, having more of those old fashioned values!

If you need a better way with communication, contact me via email

Geoff Edwards is an Innovator, Life Coach, Mentor, Business Advisor, Artist and Writer with over 30 years of experience who can support you on your journey to success. He can be contacted via or through his website

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The Wall

Have you built a whole wall in front of you? With major events that occur in our lives such as the obstacles we face, our negative thinking, or fears we might have, we can detach and protect ourselves from being hurt by the rest of the world by using reasons as bricks to build a wall. This wall separates and at the same time protects us from being hurt by the rest of the world. However there are consequences as we don’t live the full and inspiring life we deserve! There are options!

We can face these obstacles head on and then either go over the wall, around it, or straight through it. Have the courage to address what you are dealing with and you will be rewarded!

Preparation is the key to address any obstacles in your life and if you need an outside perspective, send an email to me at for guidance on a way forward.

Geoff Edwards is an Innovator, Life Coach, Mentor, Business Advisor, Artist and Writer with over 30 years of experience who can support you on your journey to success. He can be contacted via or through his website

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Ready to Start a New Journey?

No matter where you are on your life journey, there’s always the opportunity for a fresh start! Starting my own Coaching business in 2002 was exciting after many years in the corporate world and having an opportunity to change people’s lives. Whilst it was a big transition, I had been preparing for this over a number of years. I had a business plan, I knew about my target market and I had new clients. Looking back, I have now been supporting people through coaching over many areas in areas such as confidence, motivation, relationships, stress management and business. This has also progressed into other areas including content writing, book editing and ISO quality work.

For your new journey, do you want a change in your career, are you fed up working for someone else and would like your own business, or, are you creative and want to produce more art, photography etc.?

Whatever your choice may be, preparation is important for your transition. If you need help with preparation for this transition, send an email to me for guidance on a way forward.

Geoff Edwards is an Innovator, Life Coach, Mentor, Business Advisor, Artist and Writer with over 30 years of experience who can support you on your journey to success. He can be contacted via or through his website

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The Next Frontier

What do you think the next frontier will be? Will it be Earth+, where people have aggregated efforts to create real change, or, we have had to escape to some distant planet in the hope of a better life?

Each and every day we have reminders on the amazing planet we have and how we need to look after things. These reminders become even more apparent with a continuing consumption based economy which increases pollution and a fast technology train which gets us caught up: there is no time to stop, appreciate and consider what we can do differently!

A movement is needed to create change by aligning like-minded people to save the planet. This requires behavioural change and new leadership beyond political timeframes. You can make a difference: consider where you can create an impact for the future!

Share your thoughts on this post or via email 

Geoff Edwards is an Innovator, Life Coach, Mentor, Business Advisor, Artist and Writer with over 30 years of experience who can support you on your journey to success. He can be contacted via or through his website

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Coaching for YOUR Success

Isn’t it time to illuminate your life and decide where you’d like to change? 1st February 2022 is a great time to do this! In amongst the busyness and challenges of life there are always new opportunities for you to consider: how your life has been, what have you learnt and how you’d like it to be?

Rather than being prompted by the next thing which only provides temporary satisfaction, you can set up your life for long term success based on your true values. So, shine the light on your inner thoughts and feelings and any messages that have come to you over time. You can use these messages to consider where you’d like to change and make a start today. Would you like more confidence, increased motivation, a better job, to start a new business or, build a better relationship? With over 30 years’ experience, a coaching package can be designed for you and your goals. Imagine how great that will feel when you achieve your vision!

Take action now by emailing for your coaching package quote

Geoff Edwards is Life Coach, Mentor, Business Advisor, Artist and Writer with over 30 years of experience who can support you on your journey to success. He can be contacted via or through his website

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2022 – YOUR YEAR!

Sometimes with the pace and challenges of life we can “look without seeing.” Seeing where we’ve been, what we’ve done and where we want to go. Now is a great time to acknowledge your incredible achievements, consider any lessons learnt in 2021 and then design 2022 as your year! This may be a new career, a business, changing your life in some way, opening an exhibition for your artwork or writing a book. You may also like to connect with others more and support them on their journey: this is most important at this time! Having experienced significant transitions myself in life, I value my support network.

Providing an opportunity for daily reflection will shed light on your new 2022 path. And, nature is a great leveller where you can stop, reflect and sit in the gaps between the pace and demands of life. Absorb this scene for a few moments and see what comes to you. Record your insights and make this a daily practice for you every day. You are the creator of your destiny!

Remember, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein.

Geoff Edwards is Mentor, Business Advisor, Artist and Writer with over 30 years of experience who can support you on your journey to success. He can be contacted via or through his website

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No Limits to Possibility

We are at a turning point in history with the imminent Virgin Galactic space flight showing anything is possible to the credit of Sir Richard Branson. We certainly wish the crew every success on this flight. When I successfully launched my 1 meter solid fuel rocket 100 meters into the sky prior to the start of my career, I was excited to become an astronaut. Never too late perhaps now? At the time, my career choices were astronaut, Antarctic explorer or commercial artist, however I settled on engineering. Over time my adventure evolved into human engineering and supporting people to achieve their dreams. What I have learnt over this time is that anything is possible and each and every one of us have the potential to create change in a big way. By gaining clarity on your ambitions whether in your career, in business, music or art, you have the potential to create exciting new foundations for future generations through the possibilities you show to others. Make that start now!

Share you ambitions via

Geoff Edwards is an internationally accredited Life Coach with over 25 years of coaching experience who can support you on your journey to success with results that last. He can be contacted via or through his website

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Have you ever had time to create your own life story? Or, is life so busy that you are merely satisfied by the next like, email or text message? Remember, temporary motivation will not provide a solid foundation for your future! Your own life story will give you amazing insights that will serve you on an ongoing basis. You can create a life story based on many situations in your life including music, art, business, or a personal growth journey. To develop your own life story, use the following ideas to start:

  • Your vision of the future
  • Relevant photos in your life
  • Great moments
  • Goals and actions
  • Insights and achievements
  • Important people in your life
  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Beliefs and drivers

Find a journal or a place where you could record aspects for your life each day using the suggestions and see what evolves. Over time this will develop into your own life story. Make a start today!

Like support in writing your life story, email me at

Geoff Edwards is an internationally accredited Life Coach with over 25 years of coaching experience who can support you on your journey to success with results that last. He can be contacted via or through his website

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“Imagine” what the future could be!

Over the holiday period it’s a great opportunity to reflect on 2020, acknowledge your successes and imagine what the future could be like for you.  Each of us has unique skills and abilities that can be harnessed into something meaningful to make a difference. After considering where you may like to add value, I am sure you would all agree that creating this change doesn’t always come easy.  By understanding how you create change, you will be able to apply this more productively to the new directions you have now discovered in your life and amazing outcomes will follow. You can then share these new experiences and become a role model to others. Here are some tips for leading the change:

  • Be clear on what your purpose is
  • Make it a habit to respect everyone
  • Consider the people you see each day
  • Decide on a worthwhile cause
  • Look beyond you and be more involved in the world 
  • Be the change you wish to see in the world
  • Teach your kids by example
  • Learn to be aware of all the wonder we have around us,

The opportunity is available now for you to make a difference starting in 2021 and alter the course of history by leading the change process. Remember, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world” – Mahatma Ghandi

Best wishes for the festive season

Geoff Edwards is an internationally accredited Life Coach with over 25 years of coaching experience who can support you on your journey to success with results that last. He can be contacted via or through his website

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The Journey Begins

Today is the first day for the rest of your life! In amongst the busyness of life there are always opportunities to consider: how your life has been, what have you learnt and how you’d like it to be! The holiday period is a great time to do this, when it feels like time stands still and the pace slows. Then, reflect on your inner thoughts and feelings and any messages that have come to you over time. You can use these messages to re-design your life and create your ideal journey to success.

Like support on your journey? Email me at

Geoff Edwards is an internationally accredited Life Coach with over 25 years of coaching experience who can support you on your journey to success with results that last. He can be contacted via or through his website

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