What’s holding YOU back?

You’ve had messages in your life, you’ve ignored them and then…………………surprise, surprise, all the chickens come home to roost! You want to take that next step, you can’t and you’re not sure what’s holding you back! Then, you collapse in a heap not realizing this has been happening for a while. Being human, we are all subjected to different situations, past events and they all come under the one heading “triggers.” Then, when we need the confidence to go forward, it’s not there! This can also occur during life transitions. For example, we’ve been a highly successful Olympic athlete, F1 racing car driver or astronaut and then what? To move forward everything needs to be aligned, triggers addressed, past issues dealt with, successes acknowledged and confidence built. Total alignment will enable you to pursue a new path in line with what you are passionate about and then you’re ready 1,2, 3………………LET’S GO!

And, if you’d like support to unravel your triggers, email me at geoffedwards@bigpond.com

Geoff Edwards is an internationally accredited Life Coach with over 25 years of coaching experience who can support you on your journey to success with results that last. He can be contacted via geoffedwards@bigpond.com or through his website www.geoffedwards.net

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